Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) on the passage of the State, Foreign Operations Programs FY 2015 budget




Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX28) released the following statement today on the passage of the State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs Fiscal Year 2015 budget out of Committee:

“This week, I worked with the Appropriations Committee to boost funding and support to Mexico and Central America that will increase our ability to stem the flow of illegal immigration and unaccompanied minors crossing our southern border,” said Congressman Cuellar. “This additional language directs the Secretary of State to work with Central American countries to educate their citizens on the dangers posed by transnational criminal organizations and to accurately explain the immigration laws of the United States.

We are witnessing a humanitarian and resource crisis at the border and we can no longer afford to play defense on the United States-Mexico border. We must take firm action to stem the flow of illegal immigration at its source and I feel that this week’s Committee action takes a strong step towards addressing the problem. I would like to thank Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers, Ranking Member Nita Lowey, and Chairwoman of the State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee Kay Granger for their efforts on this critical issue.”

The language included in the State Department budget provides $120 million in support of the following initiatives for Mexico and Central American countries: $88,000,000 for enhanced border security initiatives, with a focus on the southern border of Mexico; $20,000,000 to combat human trafficking and smuggling; $10,000,000 to support the repatriation and reintegration of citizens from such countries; and $2,000,000 to support a regional dialogue on these issues.